Colorful Success: Rawabi Hypermarket and Olive Suno’s Back-to-School Coloring Triumph

Back to school

Colorful Success: Rawabi Hypermarket and Olive Suno’s Back-to-School Coloring Triumph . Olive Suno Radio Network’ഉം Rawabi Hypermarket ഉം ചേർന്ന് ഒരുക്കിയ Back-to-School Coloring Competition കളറായി . Rawabi Hypermarket, Izghawa-യിൽ ആയിരുന്നു മത്സരം ഒരുക്കിയത് . 50-ലധികം കുട്ടികൾ പങ്കെടുത്തു . Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of creativity, the event was not just limited to the coloring contest. A plethora of engaging programs were thoughtfully arranged for parents, ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance. The innovative ideas resonated well with the viewers, keeping them captivated throughout.

Back to school
Colorful Success: Rawabi Hypermarket and Olive Suno’s Back-to-School Coloring Triumph 2

In the 6 to 9 category, the winners were announced as follows:
1st Place: Zaida
2nd Place: Sharika
3rd Place: Azmin

Similarly, in the 10 to 12 category, the talented winners were recognized:
1st Place: Kashifa
2nd Place: Felix
3rd Place: Franco